Monday, February 7, 2011


Hello and welcome to our HS 2135 Statistic Blog!

We are sub-group 4, NR 0907

 This is our sub-group leader, Han Hui Lin.

 Amalina Supardi

Li Tian Tian

 Lina Sim

 Rachel Lim Rui Xian

 Rina Ng


We hope you enjoy the process of our data collection and the final results :)

Let's Get Started

Body temperature is defined by the level of heat produced and sustained by the body processes. A person's body temperature is one of the vital signs to be taken to indicate any abnormalities which could be fatal. Therefore, we should be aware of the most accurate route to obtain temperature.

Methods of measuring body temperature:

  • Oral: thermometer placed under the tongue in the mouth
  • Axillary: thermometer placed under the axilla
  • Rectal: thermometer placed in the anus
  • Tympanic: thermoscan placed into the ear canal (infrared)
  • Skin: band thermometer placed on forehead

Research question
Is there a relationship between a person's oral temperature and axillary temperature?


a) Null hypothesis: 
There is NO significant relationship between a person's oral temperature and axillary temperature.
b) Research hypothesis:
There IS a significant relationship between a person's oral temperature and axillary temperature.

Defining variables
Variable 1: Oral temperature
Variable 2: Axillary temperature
Extraneous variable: Gender, activity, environment

Males basal metabolic rate is higher than females, hence they tend to have higher temperature.
However, menstruation and pregnancy affects temperature in females.

Activity (Exercise)
Body muscles change stored energy into usable energy, heat is given off.

Environment (Weather)
Heat is transferred to circulating air, cool air moves across the surface of body, causing heat loss through convection.

A person's body temperature is measured in degrees Celcius.

Body temperature is measured using a digital thermometer.

1) Oral temperature: Thermometer placed under respondent's tongue
Axillary temperature: Thermometer placed under respondent's armpit

2) Thermosheath was used to maintain consistency and hygiene.

3) Calibration
All the thermometers involved in data collection are tested by immersing the tip into a  same glass of warm water at the same time. All thermometers tested showed the same reading, displaying reliability of instrument.

4) Data collection
Data was collected from a group of males and females, age ranging from 18-23 years old.






Factors affecting results
  • Consumption of hot/cold drinks 
  • Post-activity e.g. exercise
  • After smoking and drinking
  • Wrong placement of thermometer
  • Thermometer with weak battery
  • Thermometer taken out before readings confirmed

Precautions taken
  • Ensure battery is not weak
  • Provide respondents clear instruction on thermometer placement
  • Ensure respondents avoid all factors that affect temperature reading as listed above
  • Remove thermometer only after the thermometer beep

Literature Review

Before we went about our data collection, we reviewed various literature and journal articles to aid us in obtaining our raw data.

Data Analysis

The following tables and graphs are created via SPSS.
(click to enlarge)

Data entry:




Step 1: State the null hypothesis

There is NO significant relationship between oral and axillary temperature.

a) If p value ≤ alpha (α), null hypothesis is rejected.
b) If p value > alpha (α), null hypothesis should be accepted

We have set alpha (α) = 0.05


Step 2: Identify the variables level of measurement

Oral temperature: Scale
Axillary temperature: Scale

Step 3: Select the measure of association


We chose Pearson's R as both our variables are scale variables.

Pearson's R is a symmetrical measure of association for interval level variables.
Pearson's correlation coefficient range from -1.0 (perfect negative relationship) to +1.0 (perfect positive relationship).


Step 4: Compute the test values




P < α, hence null hypothesis is rejected.

Step 5: Make decision and restate the statement


The table shows Pearson's coefficient of .828
The association is r =.828, p=0.000, N=30.
Therefore, there IS a positive, very strong relationship between a person's oral and axillary temperature.


y = mx + c

oral temperature = 0.930* (axillary temperature) + 2.726

Therefore, we conclude that there IS a positive, very strong relationship between a person's oral and axillary temperature.

Our Reflection

As a group, overall, we enjoyed the process of completing the blog for this module as compared to other modules. It introduces a new presentation style by submitting our projects in a form of a blog as it exposes us to IT and how to go about it. Collection of data was fun although there were some of our subjects who refused photo-takings and we respected their choice. Albeit the initial complains of how complicated SPSS was, we came to realize that SPSS was a useful tool in interpreting and analyzing findings. Although this project was a challenge for us, we are proud to say that we managed to overcome the challenge by our awesome teamwork and hence, this blog is the product of our hard work.


Finally. We're capable to finish up our project within the time frame that we have planned. Despite of the hiccups along the process of the different projects that we are also required to meet up with the deadlines, as a teamwork we managed to pull through every each them. After doing this project, it does change my perception towards statistics, i believe this module will be a helpful tool to me in future and glad that it has been introduced to us earlier.

At the starting, i thought that this module was not in any way related to our course. But after understanding it and hands on to create this blog, I eventually understand the importance of introducing this module to us now. SPSS is useful and easy to use too. And in future, it will be useful to me if I need to collate any data.


This is the first time which i have done a blog of my ICA project. I have experience a very meaningful and interesting procedure throughout. I am sure that SPSS will be useful in my future to help me analyze and interpret data.Our group have been work together to come out this successful blog, last but not least, hope that you will enjoy our hard work.


Finally this is our end product of our project. I am very satisfied with our end product, as we put in a lot of hard work into it. This project allowed me to learn the skill of creating a blog, which is my very first time. I find this project interesting and fun as it exposed me to a "new" software which I never heard of. SPSS is capable of creating graph, analyze and interpret data. It will definitely be a useful tool to me in future.

It has been an enjoyable experience creating this blog. In the beginning, we were faced with difficulties.Despite the setbacks, we were able to overcome it with the help of our group work power! Through this project, i have learn to work as a group and also learn how to use the SPSS programme to collect data. I am very sure that this programme would come in handy next time. At the end of the day, i have enjoyed and have gained more knowledge through this period of time.I am very grateful to have this module.Thank you.Hope you enjoy our end product.


Having completed this blog gave me a sense of accomplishment because I never thought that we would pull through this "impossible" project, but we motivated each other along the way. As we went along, we realized that this project requires a lot of teamwork and consistency to produce a good work, and I'm proud to say that this blog contains the best efforts contributed by each and every one of us.


Our group would like to thank Ms. Chia for her constant guidance throughout the completion of this project. The textbook has also been user-friendly and a great reference source for all of us.